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Process control application and management software


Multi Instrument control and automation for multi-stream production processes.

Chromperfect Process Control CPPC
Software for chromatography process control

Chromperfect process control software for management and control in the production plant


From time to time – according to a schedule -- Chromperfect Process Control (CPPC) samples one or another of the streams in the plant. The sampling process involves several injections: one or more sample injections, optionally preceded or followed by one or more zero gas injections. All of these runs are processed by the software, which generates data files, prints reports and as directed by the method file.


CPPC builds upon the basic framework described above. Most importantly, it now can control several instruments simultaneously. The present version of CPPC supports four new features: temperature control, alarms, control inputs, and MODBUS output. The temperature control feature continually monitors one or two temperature sensors and issues commands to heating and cooling modules.


Integration into Chromperfect

CPPC runs "on top of" the usual Chromperfect acquisition interface. When launched, it connects to the Chromperfect data acquisition program, gains access to the instrument configuration, and has permission to control any instruments which have been claimed by the current user. The program runs completely seamlessly and automatically managing both data capture, reporting/alarms in addition to communicating critical data to the wider enterprise systems.


Before each injection, CPPC downloads the instrument with the appropriate Method file, selects the appropriate stream, waits for the GC to come ready, and then starts acquisition. As each Raw file arrives, CPPC writes additional data (e.g. a temperature reading) into the data file. If automatic processing is enabled, then CPPC submits the Raw file(s) for processing and repeats this process until all the injections have been made for this sampling, then it goes back to waiting for the next scheduled activity.


During the run, Process Control will implement Relay Timed Events in the Method file offering complete automation.


As it is processing the Raw file(s), Process Control can be setup to send the data to the designated MODBUS controller.


The temperature control and alarm features are substantially independent of acquisition. However, the alarm status flags and the latest temperature reading are automatically written into the Raw file in the form of User Fields.


The graphic display


The monitor form displays the state of the digital ports, the status of the hardware alarms, and the status of the temperature controller. The graphic display form provides a way to view these items at a glance, or from across the room.


If the Show Display button on the monitor form is pressed, and the larger Instrument status form will appear showing the details. These include a thermometer display of the current temperature with control and alarm thresholds. The heater and cooler ports and the hardware alarms are displayed in LED array. The right side of the Instrument status form shows a graphic representation

Process control Acromag
CPPC Temperature control
Chromperfect Process Control Software
CPPC Process control

© 2023 Chromperfect Chromatography Software


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