Size exclusion / Gel permeation chromatography software
A custom report program for SEC / GPC analysis. Producing calibrations and reports for primarily the analysis of large molecules such as proteins or polymers.
Accurate SEC/GPC viscosity
Software that is easy to use for analytical and polymer chemists who need to effectively collect, manage, and report GPC data, Chromperfect GPC/SEC software is a unique software application that utilizes all of the custom reporting and data analysis routines of the Chromperfect Data system as well as providing features specific for managing your Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC), and Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC). Chromperfect GPC/SEC software can provide the answers you need about your polymer.
Justice Laboratory Software does not limit the user to only the one or two types of detectors, users are free to select the best of breed.
Designed to accommodate the broadest range of detectors you choose; RI, UV, or DVD can interface to Chromperfect. Chromperfect makes it easy to review and edit baselines and integration parameters.
Chromperfect GPC/SEC detailed features
Data acquisition
24 Bit external USB interface, requires Chromperfect
Calibration routines
All with 1, 3, 5, and 7 degree fits
As many as 50 Point calibrations
Narrow Standards, Simple Molecular Weight
Narrow Standards, Mark Howinck Constants
Settable Alpha and Kappa for both standards and Samples
Narrow Standards Intrinsic Viscosity
Universal, with or without, Viscometer Light Scattering
Broad Standards Integral Methods
Broad Standards (Yau Method)
Broad Standards Hamilec
All with or without Axial correction
Calibration Validation and error analysis
Peak integration features
Automatic peak detection for narrow calibration standards
Automatic internal standard correction of flow rates
Fully Automated with reports in Real time and batch reprocessing
Any number of report format/molecular weight distributions using the same method, the same Integration limits, set by molecular weights, or interactively with the mouse. Multiple Reference Peaks and smoothing functions. Any number of Molecular weight markers for reporting Area %
Integration options include settable noise threshold
Settable baseline anchors: numeric or graphic
Negative peak processing
Negative peak conversion
Negative Peak clamping
Settable retention time and half height identification
Report MW fractions upper and lower limits
GPC Plot options include:
SEC Baseline Processing range, Column range, and Calibration Range
SEC MWD Plot options include both differential and Cumulative Plots of:
Number Fraction
Weight Fraction
Z Fraction
(Z+1) Fraction
Viscosity Fraction
Plots have markers for:
Number Average MW (Mn)
Weight Average MW (Mw)
Z Average MW (Mz)
(Z+1) Average MW (Mz1)
Viscosity Average MW (Mv)
SEC Cal plot options include:
Standard HV curve and points
Standard MW curve and points
Calculated Mn Curve
Calculated Mw curve
Calculated Mz curve
Calculated Mv curve
Report output format
Formats include:
ASCII selectable format
Single line tab or comma delimited
Concatenated files
Windows .emf (enhanced meta file)
Chromperfect ZED file including user customized calculations